The flash point of a fuel is the lowest temperature at which vapors are formed in such an amount that in the presence of oxygen (air) and a primer they can give rise to the phenomenon of combustion.
SETAFLASH is a dedicated tool for the classification of dangerous products 91/689/EC (H3-A HIGHLY FLAMMABLE, under 21 ° C and H3-B FLAMMABLE, for flash point higher than 21 ° C, but less than 55 ° C). The methods used for classification also refer to the Directive 67/548 / EEC and the most recent 92/69 / EEC, including ISO 3679 and 3680.
Reference standards: ASTM D1655, ASTM D3278, ASTM D3828, ASTM E502, BS 3900 Part A13, BS 6664 Parts 3 & amp; 4, BS EN 456, CHIPS Regulations, DEF STAN 91-91, EPA 1020 A & amp; B, IP 303 (obs), IP 523, IP 524, ISO 3679, ISO 3680, UN Class 3 Non-viscous Flammable Liquids
Rapid analysis times: 1 minute for tests up to 100 ° C and 2 minutes up to 300 ° C (with method traditional 45/50 minutes, depending on the temperature to be reached). Temperature range: from environment at + 300 ° C. Only 2ml for tests up to 100 ° C and 4ml up to 300 ° C.

For rapid flash / no flash tests (Go / No go) on liquid and semi solid products, in a range
of temperature between 10 ° C and 130 ° C.
Reference methods: ASTM D3278, ASTM D3828, ASTM D7236, ASTM E502, BS 3900
Part A13, BS 6664 Parts 3 & amp; 4, BS EN 456, CHIPS Regulations, Classification of
Dangerous Goods for Carriage: Viscous and Non-viscous Liquids, EPA 1020 A & amp; B, IP 303
(obs) Parts 1 & amp; 2, IP 523, IP 524, IP 534, ISO 3679, ISO 3680, UN Class 3 Non-viscous
Flammable Liquids.
Anti corrosive cup; Flash / No Flash (Thermal Balance) & amp; Ramp modes (2 ° C / Min);
Temperature range from 10 ° C to 130 ° C; Automatic determination of flash point in
less than 2 minutes; Minimum sample quantity (2 or 4ml); Cooling through Cells of
Peltier; Acoustic and visual warnings; Portable; Display ° C or ° F; Barometric correction
The Peltier Cells also allow testing at temperatures below that